
Average score 721 Reviews
Marie R noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice decor, good taste, slightly expensive compared to the quantities but it remains correct especially compared to Japanese or Korean restaurants which overdo it much more (Original) Jolie déco, bons goûts, légèrement cher par rapport aux quantités mais cela reste correct surtout comparé aux restos japonais ou coréens qui abusent beaucoup plus

7 months ago
Arnaud Enjalbert noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Powerful and controlled flavors. Too bad the young woman serving is focused on her phone. More explanation on the dishes and products would have been a plus. (Original) Saveurs puissantes et maîtrisées. Dommage que la jeune femme au service soit focalisée sur son téléphone. Plus d’explication sur les plats et produits aurait été un plus.

7 months ago
Wanda Zinger noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant with original and sophisticated recipes. A treat for fans of spicy flavors and otherwise a discovery for those who don't know the heat of Sichuan. The best Mapo Tofu in Paris! (Original) Restaurant aux recettes originales et travaillées. Un régal pour les fans de saveurs épicées et sinon une découverte pour ceux qui ne connaissant pas la chaleur du Sichuan. Le meilleur Mapo Tofu de Paris !

7 months ago
Daniel Field noted on Google

8 months ago
Tristan Carrouée noted on Google

8 months ago
pascal aspord noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious and hearty dishes, excellent service, to be had without hesitation (Original) Plats délicieux et copieux service nickel a faire sans hésitation

8 months ago
debora pierucci noted on Google

8 months ago
Rosa Duterte noted on Google

8 months ago
Thomas Plainfossé noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Pleasant room, varied menu. Amazed by the quality of what we ordered. Very good and quite original, halfway between oriental and western cuisine, very original and subtle flavors. Fast, friendly and professional service. (Original) Salle agréable, menu varié. Bluffé par la qualité de ce que de ce que nous avons commandé. Très bon et assez original , à mi chemin entre cuisine orientale et occidentale, des saveurs très originales et subtiles. Service rapide, convivial et professionnel.

8 months ago
Catherine Jurovsky noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent restaurant. Good products, very well cooked. And even the delicious coffee ° (Original) Excellent restaurant. Bons produits très bien cusinés. Et même le café delicieux °

9 months ago

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