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Puntuació mitjana 734 Ressenyes
Elo die ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good food, very friendly service. We recommend ! (Original) Très bons plats, service très chaleureux. Nous recommandons !

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Sylvie E. ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Friendly welcome and varied and tasty dishes, for all palates. Small tags specify whether the dishes are a little, moderately, a lot or not at all spicy. Ditto for Sichuan pepper. Dishes very different from those of 'standard' Chinese restaurants in France Everyone had a great time, we will definitely be back. (Original) Accueil sympathique et plats variés et savoureux, pour tous les palais. Des petits tags précisent si les plats sont un peu, moyennement, beaucoup ou pas du tout pimentés. Idem pour le poivre de Sichuan. Mets très différents de ceux des restaurants chinois 'standards' installés en France Tout le monde s'est régalé, nous reviendrons, c'est sûr.

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someone you might know ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) If the prices can be scary, it's definitely worth it. The dishes are all neat and delicious. I greatly recommend. (Original) Si les prix peuvent faire peur, ça vaut vraiment le coup. Les plats sont tous soignés et délicieux. Je reccomande grandement.

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Siukin Wong ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) The location is at the intersection of the Orleans Metro tram and bus station, walk 100 meters to the inner Rue and it is easy to find. The service is very good, the pre-dinner pickles and marinated beans are a little bit (I am eating alone), but the taste is surprisingly good, the pickles are refreshing, and the inside of the stewed tofu is very smooth and has a bean fragrance and a bit of brine taste, which is very attractive ! Kung Pao Chicken is a very authentic slightly sour, slightly sweet, salty and fresh taste. The chicken is tender and smooth! The peanuts are crispy. The stuffing of the four fresh dumplings is very good, but the skin is a bit not springy enough. The dipping sauce was well seasoned. In Europe, this is a strongly recommended Tang restaurant! (Original) 位置在奧爾良門地鐵有軌電車和巴士站交𣾀處,走100米到內Rue很容易找到。 服務很不錯,餐前腌菜和鹵豆丁一點點(我一個人就餐),但味道出奇地好,腌菜爽口,鹵豆乾內里很綿滑而有豆香并帶點鹵水味道,非常吸引! 宮保雞丁就是很正宗的微酸微甜鹹鮮口味,雞肉嫩滑而不柴!花生很香脆。 四鮮水餃餡很棒,皮稍嫌不夠Q彈爽。蘸汁調得極好。 在歐洲,這裡屬於强推的唐餐館了!

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Marylène BOULAND ha valorat a Google

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Yun BAI ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good Chinese restaurant (Original) Très bon restaurant chinois

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Emmanuelle MALET ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Amazing! A one-night test...passing through Paris...and there, a cuisine I've never tasted. A gem to discover. We regret not being from Paris!!! (Original) Incroyable! Un essai d'un passage sur là, une cuisine jamais goûtée. Un joyau à découvrir. Nous regrettons de ne pas être de Paris!!!

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Philippe Malet ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent surprise. Chinese cuisine as we are not used to eating. Very very good ! A real pleasure (Original) Excellente surprise. De la cuisine chinoise comme on a pas l’habitude d’en manger. Très très bon ! Un vrai plaisir

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Zhiyang Guo ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Taste of Chengdu~ (Original) 成都的味道~

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Jennifer Lin ha valorat a Google

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75014 Paris, France

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